Enterprise development through making investment areas of the Municipality of Lubaczow accessible and the recultivation of degraded areas of Yavoriv and Novyi Rozdil districts |
2013-2015 – The project under the Cross Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013 “Enterprise development through making investment areas of the Municipality of Lubaczow accessible and the recultivation of degraded areas of Yavoriv and Novyi Rozdil districts” THE MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT IS: CREATING SUITABLE CONDITIONS FOR ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT IN BORDERLAND AREAS OF POLAND AND UKRAINE.Partners: Lead Partner: The Municipality of Lubaczow (PL), Partner 1: The Gmina of Lubaczow, Partner 2: The Regional Council in Yavoriv, Partner 3: City Council in Novyi Rozdil, Partner 4: The Institute of Regional Development (Lviv, UA) Objectives: Specific objective 1: Making the investment areas of the Municipality and Gmina of Lubaczow attractive and accessible through building and modernization of technical and communication infrastucture. |