тренінг-воркшоп «Королівський замок: створення туристичних продуктів та просування історичної спадщини»

On January 30, 2020, a training workshop “Royal Castle: Creating Tourist Products and Promoting Historic Heritage” was held in Zhovkva.



The following topics were elaborated:

  • Tourism product, tourism brand as a necessary condition for the development of the territorial community
  • Target audience. Who are your customers? For whom and for what purpose we create a tourist product. What packages of tourism products / services do we offer to each segment?
  • An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of promoting the historic heritage
  • Development of ideas and suggestions for upgrading tourist products
  • European and Ukrainian practices of tourism branding and promotion of historical heritage


In small groups, participants developed new tourist products to promote the historical heritage of Zhovkva and the Ukrainian-Polish border.