2 Castles: common history, common promotion, an incentive to strengthen: cooperation, tourist flows and economic growth

On March 11, 2020, a training workshop "Communication Lifehacks in the Work with the Historic Heritage" was held in Zhovkva.

In order to exchange experience, ideas, tools and opportunities, on March 4 -5, 2020, a program of exchange to the Subcarpathian Voivodeship (Republic of Poland) for managers of historical and cultural heritage, representatives of authorities and public organizations of Lviv region was held. Representatives of the Ukrainian delegation had the opportunity to present their historical and cultural heritage, to tell about the tools and channels of promotion that are used. Polish colleagues spoke about their experience restoring and promoting historical heritage, creating a tourist product and tourist itineraries and more.

On January 30, 2020, a training workshop “Royal Castle: Creating Tourist Products and Promoting Historic Heritage” was held in Zhovkva.

On December 17, 2019, a public discussion of the Marketing and Branding Policy on promoting the historical heritage of Zhovkva was held at the premises of the Zhovkva City Council.
The participants discussed methods and tools for promoting the historical heritage of Zhovkva region and submitted project proposals for the Marketing and branding policy of the Zhovkva historical heritage.

On November 20, 2019, at the premises of Zhovkva District State Administration (40 Lvivska St.), a public discussion of the project of Comprehensive Analysis in the Sphere of Marketing and Promotion of the Historical Heritage of Zhovkva took place.

November 9-10, 2019, Polish-Ukrainian Cultural Forum in Krasiczyn, dedicated to Cardinal Sapieha and his family "The image of the border region against the background of the life and work of Cardinal Adam Stefan Sapieha".